Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Final Makeup Notes

Final Makeup Notes:

Wow! You did it! The reviews are in and it was a “SMASH HIT”... Right out of the ballpark!

How grateful I am to have had the pleasure of assisting with the makeup for this production…and for the blessing of meeting and working with each of you! How close we have all become in such a short time. These are relationships that will last throughout our lives, and beyond.

Special thanks goes to our Kids’ makeup volunteers from my sisters in the Northridge Ward Relief Society. Special Special THANKS to Debbie, Christine, Diana, Carol, Cherity and Meg -- for your HARD WORK and CHEERFUL COUNTENANCES as artists in the makeup room. Thanks to goes to the guys, who endured Weds. night’s makeup horror well, and yet, returned with honor each night for the ‘new improved look’! Hope there’s no permanent damage there!

Yes, “the women were beautiful, and the men REALLY were ‘above-average’.”

How grateful I am to have been among such wonderful talent, and been blessed to have the opportunity to stretch and grow and learn.

Having worked professionally for over 17 years in the beauty industry at Nordstrom’s and as a former regional make-up artist for Chanel – this has been a real treat to use the opportunities and knowledge the Lord has given me to help out with our stake production. Thanks to the Afflecks for trusting me again with this awesome job.

Now, for my final ‘ssch-peel’ – I would hope that each sister, young and old will have discovered that good makeup choices, well applied can truly be a tool for good. Like wardrobe choices, good makeup can be an important outward expression of divine inward feelings.

For some years, I visited many women’s groups as a guest artist. Naturally my favorite groups to visit were Relief Societies & YW. My subject and demonstration always began with the question, “Have You Received His Image in Your Countenance?” His image is of light, cleanliness, joy and testimony. Should sisters choose to wear makeup, there are good choices out there to help bring that kind of righteous image to light. Sisters, your eyes are the windows of your soul – and it’s my hope for each of you, sisters, that your makeup choices will always be consistent with the testimony that resides at home in your heart.

Sisters, I have loved your beautiful faces, and your beautiful spirits! Guys, you’re so AWESOME. And I will always hold a special place in my heart for the amazing youth and children in the show. Congratulations again on a job SUPER-FANTASTICALLY well done!

Love and best wishes to you all!

Sister Kathy Rawlings

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