Monday, August 8, 2011

Come get your DVD...!!

Special thanks to
John Crossman (Tevye)
for putting together an awesome DVD memory!

John fully produced (recorded, edited, packaged) a 2-DVD set every one of you should have! He charged nothing for the countless hours he put into the project. $5 covers the actual cost of materials. You can pick yours up for $5 @ the house of either Steve Affleck (phone numbers are in the Stake directory).

Monday, May 23, 2011


TONS of photos! But we're missing yours!! Please get in touch with Steve Affleck Jr. to get your photos posted to the Picasa site. Below are links to the photos we have so far. These are the FULL FILES, so you should be able to right-click and download any you want to keep. These will not be online forever, so download all you want...soon. :^)


Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Does anyone check this thing anymore? :^) We printed a 12x18 poster of the Playbill for each Broadway Our Way participant. If you didn't get one at the cast/crew party, please come pick yours up. Call Steve Affleck Jr. at 523-9086.


Thank you, Rose Mason, for the great photos you shot on Saturday night. Click the link below to access the pics.

We'd still love to get copies of the photos you shot. See "Cast Photos" below for info on getting your pics online. Thanks!

Final Makeup Notes

Final Makeup Notes:

Wow! You did it! The reviews are in and it was a “SMASH HIT”... Right out of the ballpark!

How grateful I am to have had the pleasure of assisting with the makeup for this production…and for the blessing of meeting and working with each of you! How close we have all become in such a short time. These are relationships that will last throughout our lives, and beyond.

Special thanks goes to our Kids’ makeup volunteers from my sisters in the Northridge Ward Relief Society. Special Special THANKS to Debbie, Christine, Diana, Carol, Cherity and Meg -- for your HARD WORK and CHEERFUL COUNTENANCES as artists in the makeup room. Thanks to goes to the guys, who endured Weds. night’s makeup horror well, and yet, returned with honor each night for the ‘new improved look’! Hope there’s no permanent damage there!

Yes, “the women were beautiful, and the men REALLY were ‘above-average’.”

How grateful I am to have been among such wonderful talent, and been blessed to have the opportunity to stretch and grow and learn.

Having worked professionally for over 17 years in the beauty industry at Nordstrom’s and as a former regional make-up artist for Chanel – this has been a real treat to use the opportunities and knowledge the Lord has given me to help out with our stake production. Thanks to the Afflecks for trusting me again with this awesome job.

Now, for my final ‘ssch-peel’ – I would hope that each sister, young and old will have discovered that good makeup choices, well applied can truly be a tool for good. Like wardrobe choices, good makeup can be an important outward expression of divine inward feelings.

For some years, I visited many women’s groups as a guest artist. Naturally my favorite groups to visit were Relief Societies & YW. My subject and demonstration always began with the question, “Have You Received His Image in Your Countenance?” His image is of light, cleanliness, joy and testimony. Should sisters choose to wear makeup, there are good choices out there to help bring that kind of righteous image to light. Sisters, your eyes are the windows of your soul – and it’s my hope for each of you, sisters, that your makeup choices will always be consistent with the testimony that resides at home in your heart.

Sisters, I have loved your beautiful faces, and your beautiful spirits! Guys, you’re so AWESOME. And I will always hold a special place in my heart for the amazing youth and children in the show. Congratulations again on a job SUPER-FANTASTICALLY well done!

Love and best wishes to you all!

Sister Kathy Rawlings

Saturday, May 7, 2011

CAST & CREW PARTY - Save The Date!

WHEN:    MAY 18 from 5:30-7:00pm
WHO:       All Cast and Production Staff
WHERE:  Pepperwood Church Pavilion/Ballpark...if bad weather, we'll move to the Pepperwood gym
BRING:    Potluck salad or desert

Hamburgers & hotdogs will be provided.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Parking is going to be a problem. We want the people coming to see the performance to have the best parking spots...even though you deserve them. :) Please help by carpooling or parking far away and walking to the church. Thank you!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Master Rehearsal Schedule

The link below shows all production numbers and their corresponding rehearsal dates and locations. It will be updated regularly, so be sure to check back often. You don't want to miss any last-minute changes!

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Makeup Notes …
       Broadway – Our Way … (or, as they say in ‘Prairie Home Companion’)  “Where the women are beautiful, and the men are above average.”

The answer to your question is YES, EVERYONE WILL NEED TO WEAR MAKEUP.  And, YES --- Men will be most manly, boys will be exceptionally awesome, ladies will be enchanting, and the children will be rosy-cheeked cherubs.

Tuesday Night -   Between your numbers, come visit us in the PRIMARY ROOM. We’ll be there to:
·      Demonstrate makeup color & application
·      Answer all your questions
·      Get you signed up
·      Color CONSULTATIONS – with COLOR FACE CHARTS picturing different stage looks for this production: Men, kids, teens and of course, our lovely ladies. 
·      We’ll share ideas for moms, makeup assistants, and those wishing to do their own makeup (either here at the Stake Center, or at home)
ALL CHILDREN IN ANNIE & OLIVER: Meet each night Wed-Sat 6:00pm in the PRIMARY ROOM. If your family is already signed up, go with them in the regular makeup room – otherwise meet us at 6 each night for great children makeup. Kids will only need makeup ONCE – regardless of what numbers they are in. The look is HEALTH & young and happy!!!

1.      If you are in Tradition and/or MUSIC MAN – meet in MAKEUP ROOMS between 5:00pm and 6:00pm each night (Wed-Sat)
2.      If you are NOT in those opening numbers, meet in PRIMARY ROOM at 7:00pm for makeup.
During these times, you can either do your own make-up with assistance or we’ll have artists for you. If you opt to do your own makeup at home, we’ll just need to have an artist check your makeup prior to going onstage.  
                                 BE ON TIME – NO EXCEPTIONS.     
Broadway Basics:
1.    STAGE LIGHTS gobble-up color. We’ll need to create contrast, deepen the intensity and brighten-up facial features. This is done by choosing “Clear, true colors” – avoiding dull, muddy, or grey colors. With proper stage makeup, the audience can see your mouth singing, and your eyes sparkle.
2.    FOUNDATION (powder or liquid) shade lighter than natural skin tone.  Choose neutral or slightly cooler shades – one shade lighter than natural skin tones. This is the basic layer – the ‘canvas’ – for the color & contrast.
3.    LIGHT BLUE EYESHADOW FOR EVERYONE Apply all over eyelids  - from lash to brow.
4.    CLEAN, CLEAR, FRESH COLOR for cheeks & lips.  Go brighter – not blacker.  Ladies, tuck away your deep mauves & plums for this production. Opt for a bright, classic red cheek and lip color. Classic reds come in both warm reds, and cool reds --- think warm sunny days, spring, and raspberries … strawberries. Blooming, healthy colors found in flowers will do the trick for stage makeup. These colors will warm and cheer the audience. Brighter, not darker will do the trick.
5.    TEEN GIRLS No ‘vampy’. Tuck away your deep mauves, plums, & blacks.   Opt for fresh, sunny brights … Classic reds, corals, sophisticated bright raspberry pink – that type of thing. Come visit us on Tuesday, and we’ll draw up a face chart for you.
6.    MEN We will have a separate room for you – Yahhhh! Sister Connelly will be assisting you with your makeup between 5:00pm and 6:30pm. YOU MUST BE THERE ON TIME. She may need to set-up a schedule so not everyone comes at the same time.
7.    PRINCIPALS AND SOLOISTS Men principals/soloists will meet in the men’s makeup room starting at 5:00pm (Wed-Sat) with Sister Connelly  She’ll be heading up your makeup. Women principals & soloists will meet in the regular makeup room starting at 5:00pm (Wed-Sat). You’ll have your own designated area. BRING YOUR OWN hand or table top MIRROR and any hair things you’ll need.
8.    FINISHING POWDER With so much physical activity – singing, dancing, & running around – believe me, you’re going sweat. POWDER, POWDER and more powder. The new translucent loose powders are NOT your grandma’s powders! You won’t feel like you fell in flour bin!   
9.    RETOUCHES If you are in more than one number, plan on RE-VISITING the make up room and freshen up your colors – lips, cheeks and eyes. That’s why the Stake has invested in makeup products – they are for you to use!
10.SPECIAL KUDOS to the FAMILIES who have signed up to reserve makeup Stations. BLESS YOU, BLESS YOU for doing that. There will be a couple of makeup artists roaming through the room to help & answer questions.
11.KEEP IT CLEAN Come with clean faces, please. Clean brushes, sharpen pencils after you use them --- good to go for the next guy, right?  Replace products, pencils, etc. in appropriate places, and tidy up after you’re through. YOU EACH ARE THE GUARDIANS of CLEAN !!!

Can I just tell you how much I APPRECIATE the opportunity to work with you?
Thanks, & love to you all !!!  Sister Kathy Rawlings


Hey Corny and Nicest Kids in Town-you're looking fantastic! We're going to WOW the audience with this number! Please come to our final CRAM session on Monday night at 8:30p.m. at the Anderson's, #4 Ravenwood Lane. (Have an early Family Home Evening!) This is a big week of dress rehearsals and performances, so let's give it our very best!


Hey Wildcats! You're looking great! Thanks for your hard work and incredible energy! We're going to have one last CRAM session before our big week of dress rehearsals and performances. Come to Anderson's at #4 Ravenwood Lane on Monday night at 8:30p.m. (Please have an early Family Home Evening!) Let's give it our all this week!

Monday, April 25, 2011


This is our final Saturday for practices! We are scheduled @ 8:30am for everyone, and then we need to come back at 6:30pm for another run-through. We'll do this one quick so you can go on that hot date! I know it's a lot of time; however, we really need to run the whole show with all the dialogue, scenery, microphones, etc. several times before next week. We plan to run it twice in the morning and once at night.

Please Please Please be on time. It's so important for you to be on time, that we are giving you an extra incentive. Everyone who is on time, that means not even a minute late, can enter their name in a drawing for great prizes (e.g., food, movies, etc.). Come to the stage where someone will be holding a bucket/basket/box for you to enter your name. At the end of practice, we'll draw names and hand out the prizes. Yes, you must be on time to enter, and you must be present when the prizes are drawn. :^)

Thursday, April 21, 2011


This Saturday we're having HOMEMADE CINNAMON ROLLS and Costco grapes. :^) Remember to check the schedule for early rehearsals! Like last week, we are running the WHOLE SHOW starting at 10:30am! It's really coming along. The stage, scenery,! Only one more Saturday practice after this!!! The next 2 weeks will be busy, but then it's all over. :-(

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Are there really 21 numbers (plus the Flash Mob)? Wow! That's a lot to pack into 90 minutes. There still may be a few changes, but this is the current show order:

Welcome & Prayer 
  1. Fiddler on the Roof - Tradition
  2. Annie - Tomorrow
  3. Annie - Hard Knock Life
  4. Guys & Dolls - Cold
  5. Music Man - Trouble
  6. Music Man - Pick-A-Little
  7. Music Man - Goodnight Ladies
  8. Oliver - I'd Do Anything
  9. Oliver - Consider Yourself
  10. Oliver - Pick a Pocket or Two
  11. Oliver - Be Back Soon
Intermission...ends with the Flash Mob (Sound of Music)
  1. Hairspray - Nicest Kids in Town
  2. Wicked - For Good
  3. Wicked - Popular
  4. Bye Bye Birdie - Telephone Hour
  5. Les Misérables - On My Own
  6. Joseph - It Could be You
  7. Joseph - Any Dream Will Do
  8. Wicked - The Wizard and I
  9. Shenandoah - Freedom
  10. High School Musical - We're All in this Together
Curtain Call

Friday, April 15, 2011

Dancing for Donuts...?

That's right. We are having donuts and fruit for all performers this Saturday! Some groups are meeting as early as 8:30am (check the rehearsal schedule below). We are running the WHOLE SHOW starting at 10:30am these final 3 Saturdays before opening night. What? Only 3 more Saturdays!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011


PLEASE REVIEW THE DANCE on your own. Come back soon to check out the new video that will be here; for now, check out Elisse's videos on the earlier Freedom post. You guys look awesome! Keep the energy high and use this week to gather your costumes (shirts are required).

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Here are two links for YouTube videos (men and women). They aren't ideal, especially with the parade of Cub Scouts streaming past, but it should be good enough until we can video the actual dancers doing their parts, and then the video review will be of themselves instead of me.
--Elisse Shell



Sunday, March 27, 2011

FINALE...We're All In This Together!

We're all in this together
Once we know that we are
We're all stars, and we see that

We're all in this together
And it shows when we stand
Hand in hand, make our dreams come true!

We're all in this together!

(then FREEZE during the applause...then Tevia will say a few words...then curtain call)


We as a family, work and play together
Building strong the bonds that keep us all as one.
Now each of us help to strengthen those around us
Joining in our favorite song!

The family! The family!
(sing your part) The Pappa, The Mamma, The Sons, The Daughters
The family!

(then FREEZE during the applause...lights dim, and you exit)

Monday, March 21, 2011

FULL CAST - Cast list

We know you've been dying to know where we need you. :-) We finally have the casting complete. Click on the "CAST LIST" link below and find your name.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Click below for a bird's-eye view of the cultural hall at the Stake Center with our plans for staging and seating.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Contact the Producers

In case you need to contact the Producers for anything....
Steve Affleck 801.599.8768
Karin Affleck 801.599.9851

FIDDLER - Tradition!

Watch this for costume ideas!


Attention all participants in "Tomorrow" and
"It's The Hard Knock Life"!
We have changed the rehearsal
schedule for these two numbers.
PLEASE check the rehearsal listing for

Also, all children cast in "Tomorrow" are also
invited to be in "It's The Hard Knock Life."
It is necessary to be to all "HKL" rehearsals
starting this Tuesday if your child wants to
be cast in this number. See you Tuesday!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

HAIRSPRAY backup singers

Click on the link below to download the mp3 minus track that includes background singers. Keep in mind the substitution "Fast Sunday!"
Hairspray minus track

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Questions about your costume for the show? Contact Ann Nunes at 801-572-5267 or She will get back to you.


Bye Bye Birdie – Costumes*
Tabitha Thompson

“Pedal pusher”/cropped /Capri pants OR flared knee-length skirts in white or bright spring colors
White Keds or ballet / slip-on shoes
Bright spring colors or white (solids, no large graphic prints):
*Button-up shirts, sleeveless or sleeved
*Button-up Sweaters
Neck scarves
Head scarves
Head bands

Jeans - roll at bottom
Button down collar shirts, short sleeves or tee shirts in bright colors
Letterman-style button-up sweaters
Vans or similar shoes

ALL: Keep an eye out for phones with cords that you can borrow. Make sure they aren’t too heavy. Or just bring the handset and cord!

Monday, March 7, 2011

WICKED - Medley & Popular

Here are two YouTube videos from Wicked. The first is a medley and the second "Popular."


Check out the YouTube video below to see what we're putting together for this number.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


See the YouTube video below for an idea of how we intend to do the "Flash Mob" number.


This is an example of the format we will be using for the Primary children. We expect to have as many as 75 children in this number. Refer to the Cast List to see if your child is included for this number.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fiddler on the Roof

Example of Russian costumes and dancing in the YouTube video below.

Tevye's Chat at the beginning of the play:
Tevye: "A fiddler on the roof. Sounds crazy, no? But in our little area of Sandy, you might say every one of us is a fiddler on the roof, trying to scratch out a pleasant, simple tune without breaking his neck.
It isn't easy. You may ask, why do we stay up there if it's so dangerous? Why do we do things we do? What helps us keep our balance, even during the storms? Well, we stay and do the things we do because we have chosen this way of living and this place as our home. And how do we keep our balance? That I can tell you in one word... Tradition."
Chorus: Tradition, tradition... tradition,
Tradition, tradition... tradition
Tevye: "Because of our traditions, we've kept our balance for many, many years. Here in Sandy, we have traditions for everything... how to eat and drink, how to sing and play with our families, how to serve one another and love our neighbors, even, how to wear clothes. For instance, as temple going adults and children, we are modest and keep ourselves clean to remain worthy of the Lord's house. This shows our constant devotion to God. You may ask, how did this tradition start? I'll tell you - I don't know. Probably a revelation!... But it's a tradition... Because of our traditions, everyone knows who he is and what God expects him to do."

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

ANNIE - Hard Knock Life

Attention girls in "It's The Hard Knock Life." Here is a clip on YouTube from the original Annie movie. Please watch it many times and sing along to learn the words. :)

Click here to watch:

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


We are on Facebook! Check us out under the name "Broadway Our Way." Click "Like," post to our wall, and follow the SMS feeds to stay up-to-date!